They say TEAM Work Makes the DREAM Work!
DAY 15: 14-Day Check-In and Production vs. Position
Have you contacted a minimum of 70 people over the past 14 days?
14 days have passed since your eCoaching start date, Have you acquire at least 5 Customers?
Have you enrolled and sponsored at least 3 Customer Getters /Business Partners?
Day 14: Post to Post — Belly to Belly aka High Tech — High Touch
High Tech or High Touch? Which approach should you use?
Day 13: Personal Development for Daily Success
“If you were who you need to be in order to get what you want, you would already have it! You have two choices: Change you who you are or change what you want!”
Day 12: Time Management for Customer Acquisition
How long does it take to make 5 calls in a day?