Have you contacted a minimum of 70 people over the past 14 days?
14 days have passed since your eCoaching start date, Have you acquire at least 5 Customers?
Have you enrolled and sponsored at least 3 Customer Getters /Business Partners?
Have you contacted a minimum of 70 people over the past 14 days?
14 days have passed since your eCoaching start date, Have you acquire at least 5 Customers?
Have you enrolled and sponsored at least 3 Customer Getters /Business Partners?
High Tech or High Touch? Which approach should you use?
“If you were who you need to be in order to get what you want, you would already have it! You have two choices: Change you who you are or change what you want!”
How long does it take to make 5 calls in a day?
Question: How Do You Make Money In Network Marketing?